MSI's Consulting Services


Product/Service Name
3 Hours Consulting Services
Consulting Services for 3 hours
GoldMine CRM Software with 1 Hour Installation

GoldMine CRM Software (1 user) including installation (1 hour)

MSI Consulting Services $1000 Bundle
Consulting services bundle
Consulting Bundle $1,000 - Set Quantity
Consulting services bundle, set quantity desired
Hourly Consulting Services- Please specify the number of hours desired.

Hourly consulting services rate, need to specify hours desired. Please contact MSI about efforts beyond 10 hours.

Open Services Purchase- Please specify quantity, 1 is default. Multiple would be 2, etc.
If you have discussed a services amount with MSI please enter the quantity using this selection.
Open Services- Please specify amount.
If you have discussed a services amount with MSI please enter the amount using this selection.

Service: Training Session

Training session, set hours and students. Please enter in QTY the Hours times number of Students